When you are studying in a university, your personal safety is of utmost importance. This requires you to have awareness and be vigilant. The University can work to foster safe environments for our students and has taken adequate measures to ensure the safety of their staff and students on campus. These measures will be reviewed from time to time and changes will be made as and when it is deemed necessary.

Secured Entry and Exits

A guard station is the first level of security at our campuses which provides a 24×7 security at the entrances and exits.

Identification Cards

Staff and student identification cards are a second layer of security or safety system in the campus.

Facial Recognition Feature

At certain entrances and exits, the facial recognition feature ensures that the doors are secure and cannot be accessed by outsiders.

Closed Circuit Security Cameras

There are CCTV cameras deployed across the campus, including at all entry-exit points, which monitor in-campus movements round the clock.

Even though the University has provided adequate security for students, you will also have to play your part and have your share of responsibilities in terms of your safety. It is important for you to know and save these numbers in your phone:

  1. Bukit Jalil Police Station: 03-8994 3284
  2. Closest emergency exits and assembly areas

What to do


If you are concerned about an immediate threat to your safety or property, or that of others, call 999


Contact SSH BJ: 03-27317081

What To Do if You See or Experience Concerning Behaviour

We would encourage you to report a concerning behaviour if you see, experience or hear about it. If all you need is some advice and support, that’s ok too – we are here to help you in any way we can.

Kinds of Concerning Behaviour

There are many kinds of concerning behaviour, and these include:

  • Assault and Threats
  • Sexual harm
  • Technology-facilitated abuse
  • Stalking
  • Family Violence
  • Scams
  • Harassment
  • Racism
  • Discrimination
  • Bullying
  • Hazing
  • Self-harm and suicidal behaviour

We encourage you to reach out whenever you see any of kind of problem behaviour. If we can identify this behaviour early on, we can provide helpful information, advice and support and minimise the risk to those affected.


Having the knowledge and practising safety precautions will lead you to feeling empowered, ready to steer clear of dangerous situations and not feel scared. Therefore, students are advised to always follow IMU’s safety measures while on campus and be alert and vigilant of their surroundings while walking home or are outside of the campus vicinity.